By Decision No. 13/2024/QD-TTg on the updated list of sectors and facilities required to conduct greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories, as of October 1, 80 cement production facilities will be required to inventory their GHG emissions and submit reports every two years, in line with Decree No. 06/ND-CP on reducing GHG emissions and protecting the ozone layer.
Mr. Vu Ngoc Anh, Director General of the Department of Science, Technology, and Environment (Ministry of Construction), stated that cement companies are under significant pressure to fulfill Vietnam's climate commitments and energy transition targets.
To meet these objectives, cement manufacturers must adhere to new national and international regulations, including using alternative fuels, energy-saving technologies, and production process improvements to reduce GHG emissions.
The Ministry of Construction has prepared two key draft documents: a GHG emission reduction plan for sectors under its management through 2030, including cement production, and a circular providing technical guidelines for GHG inventory processes, measurement, reporting, and verification in the construction sector.
Additionally, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is working with other ministries to amend Decree No. 06/2022/ND-CP to strengthen GHG verification regulations, organize the carbon market, and manage carbon credits, Mr. Ngoc Anh informed.
Mr. Hoang Huu Tan, Deputy Director General of the Building Materials Department (Ministry of Construction), shared the development direction for Vietnam's cement industry. Shortly, the sector will focus on conserving mineral resources, saving energy, reducing emissions, linking production with recycling and reuse, managing waste, and protecting the environment.